Winner Announced!​


The anticipation is over! We're thrilled to announce the winner of the 1992 Subaru Brumby restored and selectively upgraded by Marty and Moog from Mighty Car Mods. Congratulations to Phill from Preston, VIC! We hope you look forward to turning heads and making memories every time you hit the road with this iconic Subaru ute.

But the excitement doesn't end there. We're delighted to share that through this raffle, a massive $312,500 has been raised for the Australian Road Safety Foundation (ARSF). Thank you to everyone who recognised the work of this important organisation and contributed by purchasing tickets. These funds will allow the ARSF to continue to deliver vital road safety education to our community.

ARSF CEO Russell White said "Thanks to Subaru Australia for their ongoing dedication in raising funds to aid ARSF's mission. Our shared goal is to advance road safety and prevent the toll of physical and mental harm, as well as fatalities and disabilities stemming from road crashes. ARSF pursues this mission through innovative initiatives, road safety awareness campaigns, educational programs for road users, advocacy, research, and active involvement with communities."

Subaru is proud to continue to support the ARSF as they work to help keep all Australian road users safe. Our journey towards road safety is always evolving and is aligned with Subaru Corporation's Towards Zero Safety Vision with the goal of zero fatal road accidents in a Subaru vehicle by the year 2030*.



*Subaru Corporation (the Japanese manufacturer of Subaru cars) has publicly stated its aim to reduce the number of fatal accidents in a Subaru vehicle to zero by 2030 as well as the number of fatalities among pedestrians, cyclists and the like as a result of a collision with a Subaru vehicle. For more information on Subaru Corporation’s CSR initiatives visit